Wednesday 26 September 2012

Rsearch and Plannning - College Magazine Evaluation


The font sizes of my magazine are correct, as it is clear to the buyer what the name of the magazine is, "college", as it is larger than all the other writing and also placed at the top. Also the sizes of the fonts used for the cover lines is appropriate as it isn't too large or too small, so it is easy to read, and the titles above them, the size of the font is a little larger to indicate that's what the stories are about. This is the same on my contents page, as the title "contents" is in large, and the titles for the stories is in a medium size and the stories beneath the title, the font is smaller as there is more detail.

My college magazine also follows the three colour rule. The colours which I have chose to use are red, blue, and white. This is consistent through out on my cover and also contents page. The colours also appropriate for the magazine, as I haven't used any colours which are too feminine, and all together the three colours which I have chosen should appeal to majority people, and they also go well together on the cover/contents page.

You can tell that the contents page and cover are from the same magazine as they both have the same house style. I have firstly, used the same colours, this keeps the magazine consistent as a a change of colour wouldn't look very professional, and it also will make it look like different magazine. I have also kept the fonts used the same, this again makes it look like its from the same magazine. I have also used the the person on my front cover on the contents page, so this again makes it look like the contents page/cover belong to the same magazine.

I think the photograph used on my front cover is well taken but can be improved as i is a little dull, but overall I think it is good, as it is a medium close up shot, and the person also looks like a student, so that is appropriate for the magazine, being a college magazine. However, the photograph taken for my contents page i don't think that it is really good. This is because it looks slightly blurry, and you would want the image to be clear, and the overall framing of the picture could be better as the bannister of the staircase is sticking out, so it doesn't look very well taken.

I think on the front cover of my magazine there could be some more stories, this is because, I only have three but it takes up the space on the cover but that is because the size of the font is larger, so I think this could be improved by adding at least two more stories and making the font small, that way it would be more informative, and will also look more professional. On the other hand, I do think they are appropriate as, not only is about college things such as exams, but also includes stories which students will want to read for entertainment such as "prize" a competition to win an iPhone 5.

Overall, I think there are ways to improve my magazine such as, the photographs used and also the "new" sign, as I think that it doesn't look very professional.

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