Wednesday 26 September 2012

Research and Planning - Camera Shots

These are the different types of camera shots that I will be able to use for my magazine.

Research and Planning - College Magazine Front Cover and Contents Page

This is the front cover of my College Magazine. From the information I got from my target audience I had added more cover lines because that is what they said they wanted to see. I have also used the three colour scheme by using the colours red, blue and white. I chose these colours because they will appeal to the target audience of college students. I have also taken a medium close up shot for the main image of my magazine. My contents page is similar to my cover as I have kept the font and colour scheme the same, that way it is consistent, and I have also used the same person on my cover on my contents page. Overall I think it is good and something which college students will want to buy.

Rsearch and Plannning - College Magazine Evaluation


The font sizes of my magazine are correct, as it is clear to the buyer what the name of the magazine is, "college", as it is larger than all the other writing and also placed at the top. Also the sizes of the fonts used for the cover lines is appropriate as it isn't too large or too small, so it is easy to read, and the titles above them, the size of the font is a little larger to indicate that's what the stories are about. This is the same on my contents page, as the title "contents" is in large, and the titles for the stories is in a medium size and the stories beneath the title, the font is smaller as there is more detail.

My college magazine also follows the three colour rule. The colours which I have chose to use are red, blue, and white. This is consistent through out on my cover and also contents page. The colours also appropriate for the magazine, as I haven't used any colours which are too feminine, and all together the three colours which I have chosen should appeal to majority people, and they also go well together on the cover/contents page.

You can tell that the contents page and cover are from the same magazine as they both have the same house style. I have firstly, used the same colours, this keeps the magazine consistent as a a change of colour wouldn't look very professional, and it also will make it look like different magazine. I have also kept the fonts used the same, this again makes it look like its from the same magazine. I have also used the the person on my front cover on the contents page, so this again makes it look like the contents page/cover belong to the same magazine.

I think the photograph used on my front cover is well taken but can be improved as i is a little dull, but overall I think it is good, as it is a medium close up shot, and the person also looks like a student, so that is appropriate for the magazine, being a college magazine. However, the photograph taken for my contents page i don't think that it is really good. This is because it looks slightly blurry, and you would want the image to be clear, and the overall framing of the picture could be better as the bannister of the staircase is sticking out, so it doesn't look very well taken.

I think on the front cover of my magazine there could be some more stories, this is because, I only have three but it takes up the space on the cover but that is because the size of the font is larger, so I think this could be improved by adding at least two more stories and making the font small, that way it would be more informative, and will also look more professional. On the other hand, I do think they are appropriate as, not only is about college things such as exams, but also includes stories which students will want to read for entertainment such as "prize" a competition to win an iPhone 5.

Overall, I think there are ways to improve my magazine such as, the photographs used and also the "new" sign, as I think that it doesn't look very professional.

Tuesday 25 September 2012

Research and Planning - College Magazine Images

These are the two images which I have used for my college magazine. The first image is a medium close up shot which was used for the front of my magazine. the second shot is a long shot which I had used for my contents page.

Wednesday 19 September 2012

Research and Planning - Interview With Target Audience

  This is the interview I did with my target audience. Overall I got good feedback from them and they said that they liked the looked of the magazine and also that it was very informative. The ways they suggested for me to improve my magazine was by adding a few more cover lines, for extra information. They also said that they would pay for the magazine but no more than £1.So the feedback of my magazine was good and also allowed me to find a way to improve my magazine.

Tuesday 18 September 2012

Reseach and Planning - Semiotics/Fonts Activity

These are the fonts I have chosen. Firstly, I chose the "Pop World" font to be pink because, I think think it relates well to the genre also, the genre of pop appeals to a variety of people but mainly children and also young teenagers, so because of this I think that the font and colour go well together in order for it to appeal to the audience, but also to go with the theme of the title. I chose the "death metal" font to be black because the colour black gives connotations of death which relates to the title, however it also reflects on the Gothic style of font, and I think the font as well goes well with the title. I chose the font for "popcorn" to link to the theme of films, so I chose a font which is simple and clear, but chose it to be bold, and the colour blue, to link to fonts used in packaging of actual Popcorn because they usually tend to be bright and big.

Friday 14 September 2012

Research and Planning - Interview Questions

Interview Questions:
In order to make my magazine appeal to the target audience and make it something which they would want to read and buy, I am going to ask the following questions to learn more about what they want to see in the magazine,as it will help me to create the magazine to suit them more ,but also allow me to get some feedback on my draft and how good they think it is so far.

  1. What would you like to read about in a college magazine?
  2. Would you buy the magazine, If so how much would you pay for it?
  3. Is there anything you would like to see improved on the college magazine cover,and why?
  4. Do you think the magazine is helpful in,informing you about things e.g clubs
  5. Out of 10 what would you rate the magazine?

Research and Planning - College Magazine Cover Draft

This is the first draft of my college magazine cover, I am going to create some questions for my target audience to answer,to see if they think anything is needed improving or added,and just overall to see if it's something they would like.

Wednesday 12 September 2012

Research and Planning - Medium Close Up Shots

 These are medium close up shots,this shows an image from the chest and up.I will be using this type of shot for my college magazine

Research and Planning - College Magazine Analysis

I can tell this is a college magazine firstly because the masthead of the magazine itself is "college",which indicates that it is about college and what life is like in college,but also about things outside of college which students can relate to.The main image used you can also tell is a student because of the books he is carrying,as it convey how he is a studious person,also the cover lines at the front of the magazine portray how it is a college magazine,as it mentions things which will appeal to students such as "Thank God It's Friday",something which students can relate to and want to read about.It also mentions things not only college related but more related to the student such as "why we love blackberry".The magazine has been aimed to make the students be able to relate to the magazine not only educationally, but also in terms of what students like and are interested in.The publication line will also appeal to students - "you're exclusive guide to everything hip,hot and happening", as it is simple and also rather catchy, so it will be something which the readers will be able to remember.Furthermore it will also appeal to the readers as it isn't got to do with anything college related such as, subjects,exams etc.. But more about the enjoyment of college life and what to expect when you're there,indicated by the word "happening". The colours also used would also appeal to students both female and male as the colour green isn't too feminine,or too masculine.This magazine would be aimed at students 18 and over, suggested by the main picture of the man, as he doesn't look very young but at the same time not too old.

Tuesday 11 September 2012

Research and Planning - Film Review

Here is a film review which I have edited.Firstly, I had added margins to the page so that the text will fit properly and in columns.I did this by going onto "layout" then "create guides" and I was able to choose the amount of columns I wanted an also the width of the columns.After this guide lines had appeared onto the page.Then to get the text onto the page I had went onto "file" and then "place" and chose the word document which I wanted to be placed onto the page.Then I was able to place the text onto the page,and the text had been placed in columns,and from there I was able to edit the text to fit the page.I had also added my image in the same way. Next I had added a title by selecting the "text" tool and then typing in the title.I was then able to edit the font and color by selecting color on the side bar and choosing the color which I wanted,and then changed the font by clicking on the text on the page,then the "text" tool and on the top bar there were different fonts to choose from.Lastly I had changed the background by selecting the "rectangle" tool and then choosing a color and drawing a rectangle over the page.However, all the text had been sent to the back so then I had brought the text to the front of the page by right clicking and selecting "bring to the front",which made the text and image appear.

Friday 7 September 2012

Research and Planning - PhotoShop Tutorial

This is the photoshop challenge.I had firstly added an A4 document by going "file and then "new" which enabled me to open a page in different sizes, I had chosen A4.Then I had added text onto the page,by selecting the "text" tool.Then i had changed its properties by going on the sidebar to where it says "characteristics" and I was able to change the colour font etc.. Then I had given it a drop shadow by going onto "layer" and then "layer style". Then I had uploaded an image by going on "file and then "open",and opened the image of Justin Bieber.I then edited the hair by going onto the paint brush tool and choosing a color,to make it look more realistic I had lowered the opacity.Then I had a dded a border simply with the paintbrush tool again and just drawing around the image.

Research and Planning - Skin Tutorial

Here I have used a few tools to edit the picture to make it look better.Firstly, I used the "spot healing tool brush" to remove any spots on her face,to make her skin look more clear.I then also used the brush tool to change the colour of her hair.However, I had to make sure the opacity was quite low in order for it to look more realistic.Using the brush tool and changing the colour, I had added things onto such as blusher,lipstick,eyeshadow and eyelashes,I had also made her teeth more white.I did this by changing the brush size to fit the part of her which I wanted to edit,and then just going over it by the colour I chose.

Wednesday 5 September 2012

Research and Planning - Movie Poster


Here I have edited the Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part 2 movie poster,by adding the face of The Joker onto Harry Potter's face. I did this by selecting the "magnetic lasso tool" and drawing around the face of The Joker,and then moved it onto the image of the movie poster,and adjusted it to fit onto the face of Harry potter properly.After this I had edited the image to make it suit the poster,by changing the colour,saturation,brightness etc.. I did this by selecting "image" then "adjustments" and selecting the different ways to edit the image.


Research and Planning - Photoshop Tutorial

I have used Photoshop before in school when doing my media studies GCSE. I have used the "magic wand tool" to remove all the white space from the French horn , I also used the "elliptical marquee tool" to cut out the picture of the CD.I also used the text tool,to add text onto the CD cover.I then used Filters to change the background, so that it gives a different effect,the one which i chose was "wave". Then I had adjusted the colour by going onto "image" and "adjustments" and I was able to select what i wanted to do.