Tuesday 1 January 2013

Research and Planning - Double Page Spread Interview Questions

  • So you are 17 and just released an album which peaked number 1 in the UK and US, how does it feel?
It's amazing you know, this has been my dream ever since I was a little girl, I really didn't expect it to go to number 1 either I was so shocked when I found out, my mum came into my room and told me, and I just started to scream *laughs*.

  • Since you are a college student, how are you continuing with your education?
It's difficult really trying to keep up with my studies, as well promoting the album, so I just have to work as hard as I possibly can, though I do have a tutor with me everywhere I go so... on my schedule I always have times where I'll sit with her for a couple of hours and do all my work.

  • What were your friends reactions to your success and also leaving college to promote your album?
They were really happy about it and supporting me and I am so grateful for the support they have given me, because being in the music industry it does get hard sometimes, they all cried when I left and I cried *laughs* but sacrifices have to be made.

  • Tell us about the music from the album and why you decided to call it "Jukebox"?
I decided to call it "jukebox" 'cause there's all sorts of different music in there really, no interesting story behind it *laughs* and the music well... I just wanted it to be very versatile so when people listen to the album there'll be all types of different songs, I mean it's boring listening to the same types of sounds again, the songs are also fun and young nothing too serious.

  • Who inspired you?
Michael Jackson. He is my favourite singer and he has made so many different types of songs, and there isn't one which I don't like, so I listened to a lot of his music, and even some of my songs I tried to make it have a Michael Jackson vibe to it *laughs* , but he is really successful if not the most successfull artist of all time, so I definatly look up to him.

  • Your Favourite - singer, food, TV show, city, superhero and foreign accent
Singer - Michael Jackson, ummm my favourite food... Pizaa, TV show... I love the Vampire Diaries oh my gosh! it is awesome! I want to be in one of the episodes *laughs* City would have to be Los Angeles, I've always wanted to go there and it was an amazing experirence when I had the chance to go, superhero this one is easy Batman he's the best *laughs* foreign accent? That's a tricky one umm... I don't know australian. *laughs*

  • Tell us about your most satisfying act of revenge?
Yes! I love this! I once pulled a prank on Ellen DeGeneres when I went on her show and it was a big deal, 'cause no one has ever managed to prank her. So I went into her dressing room and took everything out - EVERYTHING. She came inside and was freaking out, and then I jumped from behind the sofa and she nearly had a heartattack, she tripped and fell on the floor, it was the best thing ever! *laughs* I did on behalf of everyone she's pulled a prank on.

  • Who has the worst voice in pop?
I think I'll pass this one *laughs* because If I say and I ever meet them it will be pretty awkward.

  • We heard you met One Direction who was your least favourite band memeber?
That's so mean I love them all they're all really funny and just fun to hang around with, Harry is crazy, Zayn is rather shy, Niall loves food *laughs* , Liam is very down to earth, and Louis is very funny.

  • Who are your past celebrity crushes?
The Jonas Brothers I used to love them when I was younger and I still do, Zac Effron I think everyone liked him after watching High School Musical *laughs*.

  • What are your seven secrets that you'll be able to share with us?
Gosh seven? That's a lot! Ok I have to admit it but I HAVE BIEBER FEVER! I just love Justin Bieber's new album at the moment I think it's brilliant, this is pretty sad but i've memorsied all the lines to the Disney film Toy Story 3 *laughs* I've just watched it so many times. One time at school I got suspended for having a fight yeah ... I had a fight but it was more verbal than physical *laughs*, after I watch a superhero film I act like that superhero for the whole day, I did that after watching 'The Amazing Spiderman', I do think Hogwarts exists in real life, this is embarrassing but when I was younger, and the ice-cream van used to come and they would play that song, my mum convinced me that it was really the police, now for the seventh I saved the best for last  - I will be going on tour and the UK  dates will go on sale 17th February 2013 I'm really excited!

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