Friday 9 November 2012

Research and Planning - Look for Models

Clothing-  For the clothing I have chosen to make my model wear either a dress if the colour red, purple or white to match with the colour scheme of my magazine, or to wear jeans with a top similar to the images below. I want to make the look of my model seem casual and colourful to relate to genre of the magazine pop - pop being upbeat music colourful clothing will reflect this. Also by having clothing which is available in clothing stores makes the magazine relate to fashion which many people have said they will like to see integrated in the magazine.

Accessories:  I have chosen for the jewellery and accessories for my model to wear a hat, and jewellery which is gold and simple including necklaces, bracelets and rings. The reason for which I have chosen simple items is because I don't want the focus to be on what she is wearing too much but to make it stand out enough that it will be something which the audience looks at.

Make - Up: I want my model to have subtle make up on as seen on the image below.


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