Wednesday 3 October 2012

Research and Planning - Magazine Front Cover Analysis

Firstly, the genre of the two magazines is pop. I know this because of the choice of colours, as they are all very bright and stand out which just gives the effect of being a pop magazine, as pop music tends to be very upbeat and loud the choice of vibrant colours reflects this. In the Billboard magazine they have used colours such as blue and yellow, and in the Top of The Pops magazine colours such as
pink and purple, these colours give connotations of happiness and enjoyment which invite the reader
to read the magazine, but at the same time goes well with the theme of pop being colourful. Also both magazines have followed the three colour scheme, and each chosen colour goes well together and the genre. Furthermore, the fonts used on both magazine front covers are simple and easy to read, and pop music being a type of music which all people enjoy, the choice of fonts mirrors the simplicity of pop music. You can also tell the genres of the magazine is pop, as both magazines have used the main image to be of Justin Bieber a well known pop singer.

The audience for Billboard magazine would be both genders of all ages but mainly teenagers from 14  to adults 20 and over. This is because, the colours blue, yellow and red, are not too feminine or too masculine so they will appeal to both genders. The choice of fonts however, would probably appeal more to boys and older people as it is formal and simple, so it might not appeal as much to girls as stereotypically they might prefer fonts which are more decorative, however it might appeal to some girls who are not particularly feminine. The image used of Justin Bieber though, would make the magazine overall appeal more to the audience of girls/women of all ages, but mainly teenagers, Justin Bieber being one. However, it could also appeal to boys because of the way he is posing and dressed.
Top of The Pops magazine looks as though the audience it is targeted at is girls up to the age of 19. This is because, the colours used pink and purple are very feminine and gives connotations of  being rather girly, and stereotypically when seeing something in the colour of pink automatically people assume it is for girls. The font type used is like Billboard magazine formal and simple, but as the font is white and has a coloured background of pink/purple again makes it more targeted towards girls, and also as the font type used for the words for "special" and "cute" , looks more like handwriting  and as females are supposed to have better handwriting than males, again gives the impression of the magazine being more for girls. The person chosen for the main image is the same as Billborad magazine, being Justin Bieber, however, Top of The Pops magazine indicates its target audience is girls unlike Billboard magazine. This is because of the type of shot, Top of The Pops magazine has used a close up shot of Justin Bieber making the buyer focus on Justin Bieber's face, whereas Billboard magazine has used a medium long shot, indicating that they want the focus to be on not justthe main image but the writing.

The layout of Billboard magazine is simple as everything looks quite balanced. The masthead is easy to read although the main image covers some of the letters, and you also know it is the name of the magazine as it stands out the most being in the largest font. The shot type of the image as ,state
before is a medium long shot, it makes the reader focus on the image as it is large however, also makes the reader want to read the cover lines. The cover lines are all together in one corner, so it is clear to see but you would also want to read it, as there isn't much to read having only a few cover lines. The font is also just smaller than the masthead. In contrast to Top of The Pops magazine, it  has a lot more cover lines and looks like there is a lot more to read and makes the front cover look a lot more crowded, indicating they want the main focus to be on the image which is a close up and it is also large. It isn't clear however where the masthead is. Unlike Billboard magazine the masthead isn't in the larger font and also isn't at the top, it is in small writing, giving the impression they want to sell the readers to see the image and buy and not because of what magazine it exactly is. Top of The Pops magazine however is very famous, and as the magazine is supposed to be a special it could be they chose to do this because, it is so well known that it wasn't really necessary  to make it stand out the most but the image. Normal covers of Top of The Pops magazine do whoever like all magazines have the masthead at the top but the font size itself doesn't look very large.

Finally, in the Top of The Pops magazine, the shot type being a close up, it is as though they have used this image more to get the readers attention and also to make the reader attracted to the person. Whereas, on Billboard magazine the same person is used however, he is perceived being more not just to make girls attracted to him but, because of the facial expression, make the reader more curious and want to read about the celebrity, which makes something which both genders will want to read. As the shot type is a medium long shot you can see the clothing, and the colours of clothing being neutral again indicates how the magazine doesn't want the reader to just focus on the image, but also the cover lines, and make more people buy the magazine being interested in reading about the celebrity, whereas if the image of Justin Bieber was to be wearing for example a pink top, it would be some thing which boys would assume is for girls and not something which they would want to pick up, so by making also the clothing masculine and neutral it would be something for both  genders of all ages.

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