Tuesday 30 October 2012

Rsearch and Planning - Costume & Prop List


    • Shirt - Red/white/purple
    • Dress - red/purple
    • Jewellery - Necklace, bracelets etc..
    • Hat 
    • Trousers - Jeans 
    • Sunglasses


    • Guitar
    • Stereo
    • microphone & stand

    Tuesday 23 October 2012

    Research and Planning - Production Schedule

    This is my production schedule, this just gives of an overview of how long each task is going to take, some tasks will take longer than others such as, SLR test shots whereas other things such as audience feedback wont take as long. So by having this it will give me more time management and allow me to see how long I have each task to do, and also allow me to do things faster so I will have more time to check through my work etc.. 

    Friday 19 October 2012

    Research and Planning - Interview Questions Charts

    Here are my results from my interview questions. By doing this I am able to see that pop music is the most popular type of music within both males and females as I had asked the same amount of boys and girls, five each. I can also see that most people want to see an Artist on the magazine and  the colour they like most is purple. I also found out that the maximum someone will pay for the magazine is £2 and that the most popular image to be on the magazine is a female - long shot, and also that images of bands are not very popular but solo artists.

    Research and Planning - Pop Magazine Questions

    Here are the questions which I gave out to people to answer, this will help me  as I will understand more what to put into my magazine like the image type, articles, and overall just see if people are interested in a Pop magazine.

    Research and Planning - First Podcast

    This is my first podcast of an overview of my blog and what I have done up to now.

    Tuesday 16 October 2012

    Research and Planning - Contents Page Analysis

    I know the genre of the magazine is pop, as bright colours have been used blue and orange, which give connotations of happiness and enjoyment, Indicating that the magazine is fun to read but it also matches with the genre of pop music, as it is known to be loud and up beat. I also know that it belongs to the genre of pop because of the images used, celebrities have been used such as One Direction, One of the JLS members, and also two people from the girl band The Saturdays, who are all well known for making pop music. The name of the magazine itself is "We Love Pop" which also shows how it is of the pop genre.

    The target audience of this magazine would be both genders aged 14 -18. This is because the choice of colours aren't too feminine or too masculine, so the colours will be something which both genders find appealing. Also there are male/female celebrity stories conveying how they want people to find a particular story which they will find interesting for example, girls of the ages 14 -18 will want to read about One Direction, whereas boys aged 16-18 might want to read about The Saturdays. The title however suggests that it is more aimed at girls as, instead of writing " We Love Pop" there is an image of a heart in place of "Love" , hearts being something more associated towards women indicates that it something for females to read.

    The layout is easy to understand as, there is a box with the title "Inside this month" telling the reader what pages they can find what they want to read about, and then there  are four small images surrounding  one main image, with numbers again allowing the reader to know where they can view it in the magazine. The shot type of the images are mainly close up of the small images, to allow the reader clearly see who the celebrity is as the image is small, and then the main image is a medium shot, conveying how the focus is supposed to be on them. Overall I think the layout is effective as it gets the readers attention by having lots of images and bright colours, but there is also equal amounts of writing so the reader will still be engaged as there isn't too much to read.

    Furthermore, in the main image the people are perceived being friendly and welcoming because of their facial expressions, but also by being eye level to the reader conveys this.

    Sunday 14 October 2012

    Research and Planning - Double Page Spread Analysis

    Firstly, the genre of the magazine is pop, I know this because the images of the two people are members of the pop band One Direction so when seeing the images of them the audience will know the genre of the magazine is pop. Also the font used where there are quotes, looks bold, bubbly and is also stands out, and the font type make it seem like it belong to the genre of pop. The choice of colours blue and green, also show how it belongs to a pop music as they bright colours.

    The target audience of this magazine would be both boys and girls. This is because, the colours used, blue, green, and grey are more associated towards boys, so it could be that the choice of colours were to make it appeal to boys as well as girls. This will also appeal to girls because, the images are of Zayn Malik and Harry Styles who girls will be attracted to, and girls are more known to like the band
    they are from One Direction, so because of the choice of celebrities it will appeal to girls more.

    The layout is simple as, one one side of the page there are images and on the other side of the page there is text and the title. The double page spread is symmetrical on both sides, which makes it easier to read, but also separates the two people the page is about, giving each celebrity a page of their own. Also the shot type of the main images are medium long shots so it conveys how, it is also aimed to males, as if it was t be just females be more appropriate to have a close up of the faces.

    Furthermore, the main images of the people, they are perceived being welcoming and inviting the reader to read the article as, they are eye level to the reader, so it isn't like they are more superior.

    Saturday 13 October 2012

    Reseach and Planning - Cover/Contents Page draft

    Here is a draft of the cover of my music magazine and also the contents page.

    Wednesday 10 October 2012

    Research and Planning - Target Audeince


    This is my choices for my target audience.

    Friday 5 October 2012

    Research and Planning - Masteheads

    These are the three mastheads which I have created. The first one is called "My World" I chose this name to reflect to the reader that the magazine is there own, and everything inside it is going to be what they enjoy and like to read about. The second masthead is called "Vibe" I chose this name because, it is a musical word therefor it will relate to the idea of being a music magazine, the final masthead is called "loud", again I chose this name because it relates to being a music magazine. I chose the colours red and purple for the mastheads, as they aren't too feminine or too masculine, so it will appeal to both genders, as I want my magazine to be targeted at both boys and girls, in their teenage years.

    Wednesday 3 October 2012

    Research and Planning - Magazine Front Cover Analysis

    Firstly, the genre of the two magazines is pop. I know this because of the choice of colours, as they are all very bright and stand out which just gives the effect of being a pop magazine, as pop music tends to be very upbeat and loud the choice of vibrant colours reflects this. In the Billboard magazine they have used colours such as blue and yellow, and in the Top of The Pops magazine colours such as
    pink and purple, these colours give connotations of happiness and enjoyment which invite the reader
    to read the magazine, but at the same time goes well with the theme of pop being colourful. Also both magazines have followed the three colour scheme, and each chosen colour goes well together and the genre. Furthermore, the fonts used on both magazine front covers are simple and easy to read, and pop music being a type of music which all people enjoy, the choice of fonts mirrors the simplicity of pop music. You can also tell the genres of the magazine is pop, as both magazines have used the main image to be of Justin Bieber a well known pop singer.

    The audience for Billboard magazine would be both genders of all ages but mainly teenagers from 14  to adults 20 and over. This is because, the colours blue, yellow and red, are not too feminine or too masculine so they will appeal to both genders. The choice of fonts however, would probably appeal more to boys and older people as it is formal and simple, so it might not appeal as much to girls as stereotypically they might prefer fonts which are more decorative, however it might appeal to some girls who are not particularly feminine. The image used of Justin Bieber though, would make the magazine overall appeal more to the audience of girls/women of all ages, but mainly teenagers, Justin Bieber being one. However, it could also appeal to boys because of the way he is posing and dressed.
    Top of The Pops magazine looks as though the audience it is targeted at is girls up to the age of 19. This is because, the colours used pink and purple are very feminine and gives connotations of  being rather girly, and stereotypically when seeing something in the colour of pink automatically people assume it is for girls. The font type used is like Billboard magazine formal and simple, but as the font is white and has a coloured background of pink/purple again makes it more targeted towards girls, and also as the font type used for the words for "special" and "cute" , looks more like handwriting  and as females are supposed to have better handwriting than males, again gives the impression of the magazine being more for girls. The person chosen for the main image is the same as Billborad magazine, being Justin Bieber, however, Top of The Pops magazine indicates its target audience is girls unlike Billboard magazine. This is because of the type of shot, Top of The Pops magazine has used a close up shot of Justin Bieber making the buyer focus on Justin Bieber's face, whereas Billboard magazine has used a medium long shot, indicating that they want the focus to be on not justthe main image but the writing.

    The layout of Billboard magazine is simple as everything looks quite balanced. The masthead is easy to read although the main image covers some of the letters, and you also know it is the name of the magazine as it stands out the most being in the largest font. The shot type of the image as ,state
    before is a medium long shot, it makes the reader focus on the image as it is large however, also makes the reader want to read the cover lines. The cover lines are all together in one corner, so it is clear to see but you would also want to read it, as there isn't much to read having only a few cover lines. The font is also just smaller than the masthead. In contrast to Top of The Pops magazine, it  has a lot more cover lines and looks like there is a lot more to read and makes the front cover look a lot more crowded, indicating they want the main focus to be on the image which is a close up and it is also large. It isn't clear however where the masthead is. Unlike Billboard magazine the masthead isn't in the larger font and also isn't at the top, it is in small writing, giving the impression they want to sell the readers to see the image and buy and not because of what magazine it exactly is. Top of The Pops magazine however is very famous, and as the magazine is supposed to be a special it could be they chose to do this because, it is so well known that it wasn't really necessary  to make it stand out the most but the image. Normal covers of Top of The Pops magazine do whoever like all magazines have the masthead at the top but the font size itself doesn't look very large.

    Finally, in the Top of The Pops magazine, the shot type being a close up, it is as though they have used this image more to get the readers attention and also to make the reader attracted to the person. Whereas, on Billboard magazine the same person is used however, he is perceived being more not just to make girls attracted to him but, because of the facial expression, make the reader more curious and want to read about the celebrity, which makes something which both genders will want to read. As the shot type is a medium long shot you can see the clothing, and the colours of clothing being neutral again indicates how the magazine doesn't want the reader to just focus on the image, but also the cover lines, and make more people buy the magazine being interested in reading about the celebrity, whereas if the image of Justin Bieber was to be wearing for example a pink top, it would be some thing which boys would assume is for girls and not something which they would want to pick up, so by making also the clothing masculine and neutral it would be something for both  genders of all ages.

    Rersearch and Planning - Magazine Collage

    This is a collage I have created, I have chosen images of celebrities such as Justin Timberlake, Beyonce and Justin Bieber as they make pop music and that is the type of music magazine I want to makewithin the pop genre. I have also chosen colours like yellow and purple as they are bright colour which reflect the pop genre well. Also the different types of fonts which I have used are all simple but with colours used like red for example make it suit the genre of pop.