Wednesday 6 February 2013

Evaluation (Question 2) - How does your media product represent paticular social groups?

Posture/Gesture - Both images have the same posture of leaning forward towards the camera, this makes them look friendly and as though inviting the reader to read the magazine. They also have their hands out and pointing towards the camera, which again looks welcoming, and their overall body langauge comes across being fun and quirky.

Expression - Both images have similar facial expressions. Though Jessie J (right) has a more seriouse facial expression, whereas the models which I have used look more happy, and are smiling more, which relates to the magazine making it have a fun vibe towards it, which suits the genre of pop. Both images are also making directing eye contact with the camera which makes them seem pleasant.

Angle - Both images have been taken at an angle which is eye level to the reader, which makes it seem as though they are looking straight at the reader. This makes the artists come across as being open, friendly and instantly makes the artist look more likable.

Shot Type -  The images are two different shot types. The image on the right is a close up shot, making it focus more on the artist, and so hoping to sell the magazine for the choice of artist. It also allows the reader to recongise who the artist is and see their make up, facial expression etc... However, I have made my image to be a medium shot. This is so then it allows the reader to see the setting, and being surrounded by greenery gives a charasmatic effect to it being rather bright and colourful. It also allows the reader to see what the artist is wearing which automatically shows the genre of the magazine, and also suits the pop genre, as pop magazines tend to include things on fashion.

Lighing -  The lighting on both images is bright. This will suit pop magazines as, it being bright gives connotations of happiness, and fun which will make it appeal to the reader, rather than being dull. On the image on the right, it allows the artist to stand out more from the plain background,whereas on my magazine the bright lighting and the vibrance of the colours, make the whole image brighten up more iotself.

Costume -  On the image ont he right it doesn't let the reader clearly see what she is wearing being a close up shot, which conveys how it is more focused on the artists rather than the clothing. On my image the big difference being there are three models, I taken it so that the clothing is more visible, and they are each dressed differently. The first model is wearing a red coat, which gives connotations of love etc... This will suiot the gnere of the magazine as many pop magazines focus on things like this with celebrities. Futhurmore, the model in the middle is wearing a bright blue top, this again reflects the genre of the magazine being bright and colourful. The last model however like the artist on the right is wearing clothing which doesn't stand out as much. This was so then they each have their own individual look.

Hair/Make-up -  On my image the two models on the right have the hair simply tied up, this is so that it look more relaxed and effortless, all three models also have subtle make-up on, this was again mainly for the focus to be on themselves but the clothing mainly, and the setting, and not too much on thie faces. On the other hand, the image on the right has clearly taken time to focus on her hair and make-up, as her hair looks nicely done, and also her make-up is simple like my models but, she has bright pink lipstick, which would suit the pop genre. So they have clearly made it so that the reader focususes on her and her features.

Saturday 2 February 2013

Evaluation (Question 1) - In what ways does your magazine use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products ?

Layout - USE  I have made it similar to "we love pop" magazine, by having the masthead placed in the top corner of the page as the shape of it will make it  approrpriate to be placed there.I hae also placed some of the cover lines in the same way by placing it along the side of the main image on the right. This is to make it look more prfoessional, but also makes it more easier to read. I have made the mian image to be positioned on the right hand side of the page as well, so that it will be next to the masthead. This again makes it look more professional, and makes the layout look more organised by having the text placed around it. DEVELOP   I have slightly dveeloped my magazine as the tagline on my magazine is placed beneath the masthead, whereas on the other magazine cover, it is placed at the top as well as the bottom of the masthead. CHALLENGE    The main story on both magazines in placed on the image, however mine is more different as it just slightly turned in direction, whereas on the other magazine it is completely diagnoll. I have also changed it by the way I have layed out my images. On my magazine I have other images though there are three images towards the bottom and another two on the side, whereas the other front cover has placed images along the bottom, where I have put "exclusive" aspects of the magazine. There is also images on the side, but they happened to placed in a circle shape, whereas I have chosen a square shape.

Fonts -  USE  I have made the font size to be the same on the main story, this is because the main story is supposed to attarct the readers attention, therefore it is important for that to stand out.
DEVELOP  I have used different font sizes for certain stories, also I have used a different font style so that the things which are more likely to attract the readers attention are in a bold font, with story in a smaller font and simpler style.

Photographs - USE  I have made the photo to be placed on the right hand page and also have a female on the cover, also used furthur images on the side and towrads the bottom. DEVELOP  The facial experssions are different as, on ym front cover I have made my model to smile, as it will suit the pop genre reflecting the happy and fun mood, whereas on the cover the main photograph, has a different pose by having her fingers on her lips. CHALLENGE  I have used a different shot type using a long shot, this is to show the models clothing as many pop genre magazines include things on fashion etc... However, on the other magazine a medium close up has been used, focusing on the celebrity more.

Story - USE  Both magazines have used simple language, allowing it to be eaiser to understand, both 
magazines have also highlighted the key stories as that will be what attracts the audience. DEVELOP  I have alos made some of the key stories to be in bold rather than highlighted in a specific colour e.g. "Taylor Swift" CHALLENGE  On the other magazine most of the cover lines are placed on the right hand side of the page near the image, whereas I have put majority of my cover lines on the left hand side of the page, this si to make the cover look more even and as though there are more stories.

Colour - USE  Both magazines have used the three colour scheme, and the three colours are also appropriate to the pop genre. DEVELOP I have used three different colours by using purple, pink and white, whereas the other magazine has used, yellow, white and pink, and I have used this consistently through out my magazine.

Layout - USE Both mine and "Top Of The Pops" magazine have used similar layout by the use of different sections, to seperate the topis such as "gossip" and "celebs and gossip." DEVELOP  I have used more images unlike "Top Of The Pops" magazine, whereas they have used more text rather than images. CHALLENGE I have made my images look more organised in which the way they are positioned as, mine are in boxes whereas in the other magzines contents page it is placed near the text, almost overlapping them. I have also named the contents page "contents" as most pop music magazines do, however, they have decided to call it "Inside the mag." The other contents page ahs also, inserted an image of the front cover to show where to find the stories on the front cover, whereas I have put them in the different sections. Another thing which I have done that the other contents page hasn't is that I have put an editor's message as suggested by my target audience, as most magazines aimed at girls include this.

Fonts - USE I have used similar font sizes to "Top of The Pops" magazine, by making the heading of each section larger than the text of the stories. CHALLENGE I have used a different fonts. For the heading of each section I have used the font "glitch glitch" which I have used for my masthead but also where it says "contents," this is for the house style and to make it look more professional. Whereas, the other magazine has used a different font completely for the titles.

Photographs - USE  Both contents pages have used different photographs, I have used models and so has the other magazine, I have also taken photographs of different items such as perfumes, similarly the other magazine has to but of a handbag. DEVELOP I have used a medium shot, so that it enables the reader to see the setting but also what they are wearing, as pop magazines also contain many things on fashion etc... However, the other contents page has used a medium close up focusing more on the artist. CHALLENGE I have made my models facial expression look more happy and fun to reflect the genre of the magazine, and their poses also show this by being fun and quirky. Whereas the on the other magazine the image doesn' allow you to see the face clearly, conveying how they expect the reader to already know hwo it is.

Story - USE Both magazines have used images to show ceratin stories, and also contain a lot of detail on the different stories rather than giving a brief overview, this makes the stories more clear to the reader. Both magazines also contain similar stories focussing on celebrities and gossip. CHALLENGE The main difference would be that on my contents page I have seperated the stories differently by including things such as "features" to attract the attention of the reader, whereas the other contents page doesn't include anything like this.

Colours - DEVELOP Both contents pages have used the three colour rule, I used purple,pink and white, and "Top Of The Pops" has used pink, yellow and white. CHALLENGE I have used the colours mainly by doing a stripe pattern, whereas on the other magazine it is by highlighting the title, and used on the fonts.

Layout - USE Both double page spreads have the same layout by the use of three columns, and placing the images on the left side of the page, with a column of different images along the side. DEVELOP I have used more images. On the top left corner of the page I have written "Interview" whereas on the other double page spread, it says the name of the artist "Justin." On the double page spread of "We Love Pop" magazine it is trying to gain the readers attention by highlighting who the artist is, whereas on my magazines double page spread, I am trying to gain the readers attention by it being an interview.

Fonts - USE I have used similar font sizes to other magazine, I have also made the actual font of the story like the other magazine to be a serif font. Both magazines have also made the title to have the largest font and the subheading to be slightly smaller. CHALLENGE I have used different font styles and I have also made the questions of the interview to be the same font as the subheading, this is so that everything matches nicely.

Photographs - USE Both magazines have used a variety of photographs. DEVELOP I have used different images along the side seperate from the main image. CHALLENGE I have made the facial expressions to vary between each photograph whereas, on the other magazine there isn't a real difference between them. I have also made the body langauge to vary, simialrly the other double page spread does too, however, on my double page spread they are a lot more different. This is so that there are a variety of images to look at, as this will appeal to my target audience. I have also made the images to refelct on what the interview is about, this is by making one of the images for my model to have her fingers on her lips, which suits  the title "seven secrets." However, on the other magazine the samller image near the text reflects on the story. I have also used a variety of different shot types, though on both magazines the main image would be a medium long shot.

Story - USE Both double page spreads are an interview, I chose to do this as many pop music magazines do a lot of interviews, in order for the reader to connect more to the artists and find out more about them. CHALLENGE On "We Love Pop" magazine on the corner it also features a competition to attract the readers attention, whereas I have decided to stick to the interview to engage the reader.

Colours - DEVELOP Both magazines have used the three colour scheme. I have used purple, pink and white to keep the hosue style, and the other magazine has used, two different shades of pink and yellow. CHALLENGE On my magazine double page spread I have again used the pattern of stripes to go with the house style around my title, however on the other magazine a quote is used as the title,, and have used different colours to highlight this.