Wednesday 19 December 2012

Tuesday 18 December 2012

Research and Planning - Pop Magazine Interviews

Here I have done some research on the type of things asked on magazine interviews as I have chosen to do an interview for my double page spread. Pop magazine usually talk about some personal things about the celebrity, and then that is the main heading for the double page spread, and is usually done through quotes. I am also going to do this on my double page spread. Other questions are based on what the celebrity is wanting to promote such as an album or song.

Research and Planning - Audience Feedback

This is the feedback which I got from the audience, most people have said to fill in the white spaces, which I will be able to do by adding more cover lines and finishing off my magazine. Also to make my model wear different clothes, I have done this and will add those images onto the magazine double page spread.

Friday 14 December 2012

Research and Planning - Weather Reports

On the day I went to out to take photographs I had checked the weather to make sure that it will be suitable, the weather was dry so I was able to take my photographs easily.

Wednesday 12 December 2012

Research and Planning - Serif Font

For my magazine double page I am going to to make sure to use the correct fonts for the main text on the articles which are:

  • Cambria 
  • Adobe Caslon Pro 
  • Times new Roman 
  • Baskerville                         

Fonts which are not very good are fonts such as:
  • Cooper Black
  • Impact
  • Arial narrow

Friday 7 December 2012

Research and Planning - Work Still need to be done

I need to add more cover lines and images onto my front cover. I also need to start my double page spread, and on my contents page I need to add my images and also finish off the writing.

Magazine - Contents Page So Far (2)

On my contents page I had just added a few more stories. I will need to add more articles onto the page and also more headings to seperate the articles as this will make it look more professional. I will also need to add images. This is because in pop magazines aimed at girls they contain a lot of images, as this makes it look more feminine, but images are things girls are interested looking at.

Magazine - My Front Cover So Far (4)


On my magazine front cover I have now added the main cover line, which is the main story of the magazine and is about the model on th front cover. I have made the font size to be large, I have also stuck to the colours of the masthad to make it look more professional. I have also used a different  font, so that it will allow the reader to differentiate more easily what the masteahd is and the cover lines etc... This is also to be te main cover line which overall attarcts the reader to buy the magazine. I will need to now add more cover lines and more images, in order to be complete.

Wednesday 5 December 2012

Research and Planning - Cover Layouts

These are some front covers and looking at the layout, the magazine sticks to the three colour rule and also contains a lot of cover lines, and two of the front covers even have other images, and not just the main image.

Research and Planning - Contents Pages

These are some images of existing contents pages from Pop magazine, most of them are colourful and simple, and I will like to reflect this on my contents page.

Magazine - My front Cover So Far (3)

On my front cover I have now added an image, and also edited it to make the teeth whiter, I also had to cut around the image so that the background isn't included as it will look different from the background of the actual magazine front cover.

Saturday 1 December 2012

Research and Planning - Makeup Tests

These are some make - up test which I have done. I have made it subtle near the eyes but more bright towards the lips, as in pop magazines there tends to be more focus on the face, as the models on the cover will be smiling and laughing navigating the focus towards the lip area, so I decided the colour of the lips to be bright.